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Ladder Safety

Ladder Safety - Safety Study Group
Video that Explains ladder safety with over 20 safety tips on ladders.

Ladder Safety

Live Broadcast – Daily TBT

This video was filmed a couple of years ago in a live broadcast. We discussed over 20 pieces of advice on ladder safety and had a short Q&A session with the viewers.

What is a ladder?

A ladder is a form of access used to travel from one point to another (mostly vertically). A ladder should not be our first choice to perform work at height tasks. We should use other forms of access that are more secure and stable (scaffolding for example.

What are the tips we covered in this video?

We covered more than 20 tips and they were all kind of linked and merged together. I have broken down some of the tips we discussed in the list below.

1- Don’t use a ladder

This is always my first advice. I always tend to ask the crew if they can do the job another way without the need to use a ladder. If they absolutely must use it, then we will allow them.

More stable form of access

2- Use a more stable form of access

Using a scaffold is a lot safer than using ladders. Scaffolds can hold more weight and have guard rails whereas ladders (mostly) don’t.

3- Choose the correct ladder

There are a number of ladders out there that you can choose from and it is the responsibility of your employer to provide the right ones for the tasks in your workplace. The video discusses the types of ladders and gives some good examples.

4- Only use ladders that were manufactured by a factory

The ladders we use at work must fit certain standards. We cannot use anything that is given to us by employers and ”Make it Work” one more thing to remember is to ”NEVER USE HOMEMADE LADDERS

Choosing the correct ladder

5- Ladder inspection

Ladder Inspection

Now that you’ve chosen a ladder to do your job, it is important that you perform a thorough inspection on it before you use it. The video covers some important points on this but here is a ladder inspection template for you to use.

6- Never Attempt to fix broken ladders

Just like in the simple ladder inspection form from the above link, there can be a number of things wrong with the ladder. It is important to remember your role and not engage in fixing broken, damaged, defective, or painted ladders. You must always follow your company’s policy and procedure in discarding broken equipment and not using them

Never Attempt to fix broken ladders

7- Only trained personnel can use ladders

While it appears very simple, it is not allowed for everyone to work at height (including on ladders) unless they have been trained to do so. A number of factors can prevent a person from working at height and these things must be known before selection.

Only trained personnel can use ladders

8- Choosing the best location for the ladder

Placing the ladder on uneven, slippery, or sloppy ground can contribute to an accident taking place, especially if it’s being used by an untrained person. Choose the proper location for the ladder and make sure it is not in the line of fire.

Once that is done, you must remember the 4:1 rule when setting up a ladder. This applies to straight and extension ladders. For every 4 meters the ladder is going up, 1 meter has to be away from the wall. So, if it’s an 8-meter ladder, 2 meters must be considered.

the 4:1 rule


9- Securing the ladder from the bottom and the top

The ladder must be secured from the top and the bottom. As long as the ladder is free from the top, someone must be holding it from below until it is secured from above. When choosing someone to hold the ladder, make sure that that person is also trained on how to hold the ladder and knows not to stand in the line of fire

Securing the ladder from the top

10- Duty Rating – Weight Limit

Another reason why we must only use manufactured ladders from factories is the weight limit. This is normally explained by a sticker on the sides of the ladder or on one of its steps. Your company must have its own procedure to file the ladders and keep a record of them all (for the purpose of inspections and other reasons). Each ladder must be sorted by its duty rating, length, type, brand, and its conductive or non-conductive feature.


11- (3) points of contact

The 3 points of contact rule is very important. You must always have 2 hands and one foot on the ladder or two feet and 1 hand (While climbing). This is to ensure that you are as safe as you can be.

This also means that you must not have any items in your hand(s) while climbing. Having something in your hands will cause you to not have a good grip on the ladder so, leave them empty while climbing.

Image Source – Here
3-points of contact

12- Tool Belts

There are a number of tool belts available in the market (depending on where you are). Choosing the right kind of belts or straps will help your employees perform their tasks a lot safer than usual and reduce the number of incidents, accidents, and near-misses.

13- Do not over-reach

Do not over-reach

I remember seeing workers over-reaching in almost every workplace. Over-reaching is when a worker attempts to reach a point that is farther than his horizontal or vertical limit. There are two solutions for this issue:

1- Change the ladder to a longer one so you can reach where you need to be safely without over-reaching, or
2- Climb down, and reposition the ladder closer to where you want to reach

(horizontally), and continue your work.
Over-reaching can easily cause a ladder to slip and take you down with it. Depending on how high you are and what you’ll fall on will determine what your injuries will be.

14- Overhead hazards

Source – Here
Overhead Hazards

The primary hazard to be worried about is electricity and where you stand from its cable (your distance) and the type of ladder and equipment you’re using to do your job. Other than that, you have to consider other operations that are taking place below or above your location.

Another thing is to know if there are any Mobile Elivated Work Platforms (MEWPs) in your work area and if they’ll do any work near you.

The Video

Here is the video we’ve been waiting for all this time but I hope you enjoyed reading the article. A lot of time and effort was put into it and I hope it was worth it.

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خط النار

خط النار في الصحة والسلامة
خط النار في الصحة والسلامة
خط النار في الصحة والسلامة

ما هو خط النار

خط النار هو في الأساس عبارة عسكرية تستخدم لوصف موقع شخص ما أو شيء ما. لذلك، إذا أطلق سلاح أو , بندقية النار وكان هناك شخص ما أو شيء ما في مسار طلقة ذلك السلاح، فمن المرجح أنه سيتعرض للأذى.

كيف ينطبق هذا على الصحة والسلامة؟

في الواقع، هذا ينطبق تمامًا على عالمنا. لدينا عدد لا يحصى من الآلات والمعدات ونعمل معهم بشكل يومي. خذ على سبيل المثال الرافعة، عندما يكون بها حمولة معلقة ويمشي شخص ما تحتها، فهو في خط النار

إذا كان شخص ما يستخدم آلة الطحن وكان الشرر يتجه إلى مكان ما، فهذا هو خط الناروإذا كان جسم المستخدم في طريق آلة الطحن أثناء عملها، فهو في خط النار

مثال آخر قبل أن أترككم مع الفيديو هو عندما يعبر شخص ما الطريق أثناء وجود حركة المرور، فهو في خط النار


اترك حضراتكم الآن مع الفيديو لكي نفهم بالضبط مالمقصود بهذا التعبير وماهي فئات الخطر التي تنطبق عليه

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شرح امتحانات نيبوش الكتاب المفتوح

شرح امتحانات نيبوش للكتاب المفتوح
شرح امتحانات نيبوش للكتاب المفتوح
شرح امتحانات نيبوش للكتاب المفتوح

شرح امتحانات نيبوش الكتاب المفتوح

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أعلن مجلس الامتحانات الوطني في السلامة والصحة المهنية في 1 سبتمبر 2020 أن جميع اختبارات الكتاب الأول للشهادة العامة الوطنية والدولية ستعقد في شكل كتاب مفتوح. هذا التغيير ليس مفاجئًا وهو كذلك ليس فقط بسبب جائحة كوفيد. لقد كان شيئًا مجلس الامتحانات الوطني في السلامة والصحة المهنية قد أخذه بعين الاعتبار منذ فترة حتى قبل ظهور فيروس كورونا

ما هي التغييرات التي حصلت بعد هذا القرار؟

حدثت العديد من التغييرات وتمت مناقشتها جميعًا في الفيديو أدناه ولكن التغييرات الرئيسية التي يمكنني ذكرها هنا هي أنه بدلاً من أن يكون لديك 3 ساعات فقط للإجابة على أسئلتك (والتي تعرف الآن باسم المهام) لديك الآن 24 ساعة على الأقل للقيام بذلك .

شهادة دولية معتمدة من الرابطة الوطنية لمحترفي السلامة الامريكيةبعد اكمال الدورة اونلاين او حضور فعلي
شهادة دولية معتمدة من الرابطة الوطنية لمحترفي السلامة الامريكيةبعد اكمال الدورة اونلاين او حضور فعلي

تغيير آخر هو أن هذا امتحان الكتاب المفتوح الآن! مما يعني أنه يمكنك الرجوع إلى أي مصدر أو كتاب تريده (طالما أنه معترف به من قبل منظمات الصحة والسلامة المناسبة) والقراءة منه للحصول على الإجابة. ومع ذلك، يجب ألا تقوم بنسخ ولصق أجزاء أو كتل من النص من المصدر ووضعها في ورقة إجابتك. سيؤدي ذلك تلقائيًا إلى رسوبك في الاختبار.

سنقوم أيضًا بتغطية المقابلة الختامية التي ستتم بعد انتهاء الاختبار. يتم إجراء هذه المقابلة من قبل شريكك في التعلم أو مجلس الامتحانات الوطني في السلامة والصحة المهنية. لقد قمت بتغطية هذا الموضوع بالذات بتفصيل كبير في هذه المقالة. ألق نظرة من فضلك.

هل يعط هذا الفيديو مزيداً من المعلومات المفيدة؟

بالطبع، الأمر كذلك! يعد هذا الفيديو مصدرًا قيمًا خاصة لأولئك الذين لم يسبق لهم تجربة هذا النوع من الاختبارات أو أولئك الذين حاولوا وفشلوا. نأمل، بعد قراءة هذه المقالة ومشاهدة هذا الفيديو، أن تجتاز الاختبار بنجاح


أتمنى أن تستمتعوا بمشاهدة هذا الفيديو والتعلم منه. أنصحكم بمشاهدته أكثر من مرة خلال فترة من الزمن. سوف تتفاجأون بكمية المعلومات التي يفوتها الشخص إذا كان يشاهد شيئًا ما على عجل او بدون تركيز

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Line Of Fire

What is Line of Fire? - Safety Study Group
What is Line of Fire? - Safety Study Group
What is Line of Fire? – Safety Study Group

What is Line Of Fire?

Line of Fire is basically a military phrase used to describe the location of someone or something. So, if a weapon or a gun is firing and someone or something is in the path of the trajectory of that weapon’s round, it will most likely be harmed.

How does this apply to health and safety?

In reality, it applies perfectly in our world. We have countless machines and equipment and we work with them on a daily basis. Take for example a crane, when it has a suspended load and someone walks under it, they are in the line of fire. If someone is using the grinding machine and the sparks are going somewhere, that is the line of fire, if the user’s body is in the way of the grinding machine while it is working, it is in the line of fire. Another example before I leave you with the video is when someone crosses the road while there is traffic, they are in the line of fire.

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Energy Isolation – Lockout & Tagout

Lockout & tagout - Energy Isolation - Safety Study Group

Energy Isolation – Lockout & Tagout

Lockout & tagout - Energy Isolation - Safety Study Group
Lockout & Tagout – Energy Isolation – Safety Study Group

What is Energy?

Energy is basically what drives this planet on more than one front but the energy we are concerned with today varies from that. We will be covering a few types of that energy. We will talk about pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical, and electrical types of energy.

Real Life Scenario

An 18-year-old worker died after becoming entangled in a portable mortar mixer at a residential construction site. The victim was cleaning the mixer at the end of his shift to prepare it for the following day. A painter working near the victim heard yells for help and saw the victim’s arm stuck in the machine and his body being pulled into the rotating mixer paddles. Emergency medical services were called and responded within minutes. Rescue workers dismantled the drive mechanism to reverse the mixing paddles and extricate the worker. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
(Source: OSHA)

The video in this article

What you’re about to see is a live broadcast on Instagram which was held a while back on my Instagram account. The video covered all the above types of energies and gave some examples from real-life situations and personal experiences. ‘

Why use energy Isolation?

There are many reasons why we must use it. While the most important one is to save lives, it is also a legal requirement required by many insurance agencies that end up paying the civil suit’s settlements when an employer loses a civil claim in a court of law.

Get a 3-year H2S Certificate from the National Association of Safety Professionals
Get a 3-year H2S Certificate from the National Association of Safety Professionals

The video

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Unsafe Acts & Unsafe Conditions


Unsafe Acts

IOSH defines unsafe acts as

Any activity by workers which are not as per the prescribed safety standard or practice and which can cause or likely to cause accidents or risk for self or others at workplace, damage equipment and bring losses in terms of reputations and revenue to employer .

So, in short, let us say that unsafe acts are all of those acts that might cost someone dearly. The loss can be physical, or financial. It might also come in various other forms.

How do I know if this is an unsafe act or an unsafe condition?

It is well explained in the video below how to make the difference but I’ll write it here as well. Let us say you see an exposed electrical wire (this is an unsafe condition) that needs to be fixed. However, if you see someone DOING that in real-time, that makes it an unsafe act (because you saw it as it was happening).

How do I make a difference in the workplace?

each organization has its own ways of addressing unsafe acts and unsafe conditions. In some places, employees have received warning letters simply because they engaged in such activities (unsafe acts, or created unsafe conditions). This isn’t always the right way, rather, you can take the person aside and advise them or refuse to take part in this activity because it is unsafe.

3-Year Certificate in H2S when passing this course
Get a 3-year H2S Certificate from the National Association of Safety Professionals – NASP

Company Induction

As a part of any company’s onboarding program, all employees must participate in the initial onboarding and induction program specific to that company. This mostly focuses on the health and safety rules and procedures in the company and on this location itself. It also explains how employees are expected to report hazards and to whom!

The Video

I now leave you with this video which you may use for your own organization. Download it and show it to your workers as it is away from using difficult languages and difficult terminology. It is simply a conversation with the brain and an example of how to spot an unsafe act or unsafe condition

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Famous Last Words

Famous Last Words - Safety Study Group
Famous Last Words - Safety Study Group
Famous Last Words – Safety Study Group

Why are there rules in health and safety?

The short version is to ensure people are following them and everyone is safe. But, it is a lot more complicated than that. Each employer has legal and organizational obligations to fulfill and the more you dig into one of them, the more complicated they become.

Legal Duties

No matter what happens at the workplace, it is always the responsibility and duty of the employer to make sure it never happens again and they will be asked about this particular thing and how come they let it happen.

Investing in health and safety

To make sure they are following the laws and the rules, all organizations are required to ensure that their employees have received and are receiving the proper training for their roles which goes shoulder to shoulder with their responsibilities and duties. This is an investment that will bring about a lot of return in the long run and it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure they have the right people in the right place.

3-Year Certificate in H2S when passing this course
3-Year Certificate in H2S when passing this course

The workers don’t follow the rules. Why is it the employer’s fault?

The answer to this question is very long as well but let’s take the short one as I will write another article regarding this topic (Health & Safety Culture in the Workplace). Safety culture begins from the top. It is the moral and legal duty of each employer to ensure they have planted the seeds for a health and safety culture in their organization just as it is their duty to care for that seed and watch it grow (put the right people in place to ensure their organizational aims and objectives are met – ZERO INCIDENTS)

This makes it the duty of management (field, middle, and senior) to eliminate the bad apples and not have them infest the rest of the good ones in stock. When an employee CHOOSES to take a shortcut, this means that this type of behavior is tolerable and they most likely know it will go unnoticed or without punishment. If management allows this type of behavior, this too is a sign of a poor health and safety culture.

The Video

I have compiled several words that were said last by people who were involved in an accident and most likely cost them their lives or at least some pain and suffering. This video will show you how poor decisions can lead to life-long injuries or leave your loved ones in pain long after you’re gone.

Promote Safety Website

Check out this website for a bank of free and paid health and safety posters. I would like to personally thank Colin for sharing the last words with me that inspired me to write this article.