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Line Of Fire

What is Line of Fire? - Safety Study Group
What is Line of Fire? - Safety Study Group
What is Line of Fire? – Safety Study Group

What is Line Of Fire?

Line of Fire is basically a military phrase used to describe the location of someone or something. So, if a weapon or a gun is firing and someone or something is in the path of the trajectory of that weapon’s round, it will most likely be harmed.

How does this apply to health and safety?

In reality, it applies perfectly in our world. We have countless machines and equipment and we work with them on a daily basis. Take for example a crane, when it has a suspended load and someone walks under it, they are in the line of fire. If someone is using the grinding machine and the sparks are going somewhere, that is the line of fire, if the user’s body is in the way of the grinding machine while it is working, it is in the line of fire. Another example before I leave you with the video is when someone crosses the road while there is traffic, they are in the line of fire.

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