H2S Awareness Course

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Classroom Course

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H2S Awareness Course
H2S Awareness Course

Course Languages

This course can be delivered in English, Sorani Kurdish, Bahdini Kurdish, and Arabic

What is H2S?

It is the second most dangerous gas known to mankind after hydrogen cyanide. H2S is present in almost every workplace where you’d find hydrocarbons, process organic material, oxygen-deficient environment, or anywhere else where you might have a mixer of gas. It is also found in many other industries.

Why train and educate yourself or your personnel on H2S?

On top of it being a legal requirement in every country and an employer duty, it is also good business to have your own people know what they’re getting themselves into when they are on your premises. Having knowledge of H2S can be the difference between life and death.

Where can this course take place?

This course can take place at our facility or the employer’s own workplace. This will save a lot of money for you since you won’t need to book accommodations for your personnel. Rather, you only have to provide it for the trainer and his driver.

What will I or my employees learn when we sign up for this course?

Below is a detailed course outline for anyone wishing to sign up for the course.

Personal Introduction

The instructor will introduce themselves and ask for each attendee to introduce themselves and their line of work.

Pre-course test

A simple test will be carried out before the course begins just so the instructor can measure the level of knowledge and areas of focus while explaining the course.

Employer Responsibilities, and Workers Responsibilities

This will cover some of the legal requirements for each employee and employer at the place of work.

Course Material Handout

Each attendee will receive a hard copy of the training material for their reference throughout the course and after the course is done, they are free to take their material with them.

H2S Introduction

An introduction to Hydrogen Sulfide gas, how it is formed, and why it is the second most dangerous gas known to mankind.

Sources of H2S

There are many sources of H2S, some of them are where we live if we’re not careful. The instructor will explain each of them so everyone has a clear picture of its many sources.

Physical Properties of H2S

Just like when our friends, family, and loved ones talk about us and describe us, H2S gas has its own way of being known. We will cover the physical properties of H2S in this section of the course.

(PPM) VS (%) measurement units

Due to its very toxic nature and in very low concentrations, H2S is measured in PPMs While the (%) unit is used when we want to know its higher concentrations.

PPM’s Legal and lethal exposure concentrations and the fire triangle.

We will cover the legal and lethal limits for Hydrogen Sulfide in accordance with the latest (The American National Standards Institute – ANSI), OSHA, and ACGIH standards. The limits to be discussed are H2S (PEL, STEL, IDLH, LEL, and UEL)

Methods of detecting H2S Gas in the workplace.

This is the practical part of the course where the instructor will present the trainees with personal H2S monitors/Detectors and a multi-gas detector. and will explain in theory how portable area monitors and fixed area monitors work.

Workplace Condition Colors

Condition Green, Condition Yellow, and Condition Red. Each of these conditions has its own procedures that must be followed. The instructor will explain each of them to everyone in attendance.

The 7-Step-Initial Response Strategy

There is a very specific and delicate way to respond to H2S gas when the alarm sounds. In this section, we will cover how to evacuate exactly, what to do once we’ve evacuated, and who will do what by covering the 7 steps of responding to H2S emergencies.

Respiratory Protection

This is the second practical part of the course. The instructor will bring out 3 types of breathing apparatuses (Self-contained breathing apparatus, supplied-air breathing apparatus, and Emergency Escape breathing apparatus – SCBA, SABA, and EEBA). He will then explain exactly what each of these apparatuses is how they are to be used and for what purpose. Once done,

All attendees are required to participate in this section by donning and doffing each of the apparatuses successfully.

Rescue Techniques from an H2S Environment

This is the final part of the practical exercises in this course. The instructor will ask a few attendees to participate as he demonstrates and explains the rescue techniques to everyone. There are four techniques to be covered and they will all be explained. Once done, everyone in attendance (who doesn’t have any medical problems preventing them from participating) will apply what they learned.

All attendees are required to participate in this section by applying these techniques.

Attendees’ Feedback on the course.

This is the section that all instructors look forward to. We will ask you to please fill out a feedback card telling us how you felt about the course, what your favorite part was, and what we can do better in the future.

The final test

The final test is comprised of 20 questions. The questions are fill-in-the-blanks and choosing the correct answer. You must achieve 80% (answering 16 questions correctly) to pass this test.

A size A-4 certificate with a wallet card certificate

Upon completion of the course and after passing the test, the results will be given to everyone by email, phone call, or by email to your employer (if this is arranged through your company). All students who successfully pass the test will receive an A-4 + a wallet certificate card from the National/International Association of Safety Professionals.

Arrival of certificates and Wallet cards

Due to the certificates being shipped from the United States of America, we plan to deliver all certificates 8 weeks after the date of successfully passing the course.

Validity of certificate

Although it is recommended to renew the certificates annually, The certificate is valid for three years from the date of completing the course.

Course Price

The price of this course depends on the number of delegates wishing to participate. If this training is being organized through an employer, there will be special consideration and discount. Please let us know the number of delegates and we’ll get back to you with a quote, or let me know when is a good to schedule a meeting on Teams or Zoom.

Trainer’s Qualifications and Sample Certificate

The trainer on this topic has 12 years of experience in HSE and H2S training. He has extensive knowledge on the topic and is a licensed trainer from the National/International Association of Safety Professionals. If requested, all certificates and training credentials will be shared with the client.

Contact by Phone

Please use the below numbers and call directly if your question isn’t answered in the above information.

+964 750 490 27678

+964 782 128 6845

Contact by E-mail

Please use the below E-mails to contact us directly if your question isn’t answered in the above information.



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