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What is the NEBOSH Closing interview?

What is NEBOSH Closing Interview?

What is NEBOSH Closing interview?


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After any/all NEBOSH Open book exams, NEBOSH will conduct a closing interview with all learners who sat the exam. The reason why this will take place is for NEBOSH to be sure that the person who signed up for the exam is indeed the same person who sat the exam

What if I DO NOT attend the closing interview?

Your IG1 answer sheet will not be marked if you do not conduct this interview. While there are no marks available on the closing  interview, your whole IG1 exam depends on you passing it

Who will interview me?

The closing interview will be arranged by your learning partner (course provider) and someone from NEBOSH or your learning partner will conduct the interview. Due to the huge number of learners sitting the IG1 OBE exams, NEBOSH may not be able to interview everyone who sits the exams which is why they will conduct a very low percentage of them and the rest will be cascaded down to the learning partners

Where will the interview take place?

The interview will take place online through one of the video conference/meeting apps available to everyone for free (Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet) Your learning partner will decide which app/program they will use and inform you ahead of time and most learning partners will give you the option to book your closing interview whenever you like (within a set time table)

You must be in a private room by yourself and you are not permitted to have another person in that room at the time of the interview

The exceptions to this are

if you are caring for children or a vulnerable person and you are unable to make safe arrangements for them to be looked after by someone else

if you require another person to be present during the closing interview as part of a reasonable adjustment. You should discuss this in advance with your Learning Partner.

Please note that reasonable adjustments will need to be approved by NEBOSH, so please ensure that you speak with your Learning Partner as soon as possible

What do I need before the interview starts?

You will be required to present a form of government-issued identification that clearly shows your name and photo (preferably in English). The best choice will be a driver’s license, a passport, or a national Identification card

رخصة قيادة

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You’ll also need access to a camera phone, tablet, laptop, or computer with a webcam available so the interviewer can see you

What if I do not have access to either a smartphone, tablet, or computer to do the closing interview?You should discuss this with your Learning Partner. It may be possible to arrange for the interview to be done face-to-face. One of the purposes of the closing interview is to confirm your identity

Unfortunately, it is not possible to do this by telephone alone. If alternative arrangements cannot be made, then there is the option to postpone this final stage until it is safe to complete a face-to-face interview

Your mark will not be declared until the closing interview has taken place. You should contact your Learning Partner if you have any questions relating to your closing interview

Don’t have time to read? This video explains all and more

The actual interview

The Interviewer will introduce themselves. You will be asked to show your identification to the Interviewer, who will cross-check this with your registration details. Show the room you are in if the interview is taking place via video link, the Interviewer needs to see you do not have any notes or electronic devices you can access during the interview. You will also need to sit so that the Interviewer can see the door of the room you are sitting in


What will I be asked?

The Interviewer will ask you questions based on your open-book examination. This is an opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned during your studies. After that, the Interviewer will close the interview but will not be able to inform you of the outcome

What happens next?

If the Interviewer is happy that the work is your own, your mark will be declared in line with published NEBOSH timeframes. If your Interviewer is not satisfied that the work is your own work, they will notify NEBOSH who then contact you directly to advise the next steps. This may initially be a second interview with NEBOSH , or possibly an investigation in line with NEBOSH’s Policy and procedures for suspected malpractice in examinations and assessments